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"Советская музыка"

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Looking for songs
Автор: Don     8.11.12 21:56  Сообщить модератору

Dear friends,
I am from Viet Nam and had the first few years of my life when the Soviet Union was still there. I accidentally found this site and am really glad I found it as it brings back a lot of my good childhood memories.
I am actually looking for two songs and wish that you can help. The first one is "Song of the Motherland" (by Dunayevsky, signature tune of Radio Moskva). And the second one is "My address is the Soviet Union" (by Tukhmanov and Kharitonov).
Thank you very much again for this great collection!

Song of the Motherland
Автор: Товарищ С.  8.11.12 22:25  Сообщить модератору

My address is the Soviet Union

Re: Song of the Motherland
Автор: Don  9.11.12 01:43  Сообщить модератору

Thank you very much for your prompt and helpful reply!

Too bad they dropped the Russian language program in Viet Nam when I entered primary school (the same year that the Berlin Wall went down) so now I cannot search Soviet songs in Russian.
I had always dreamed of studying in the USSR when I grew up but that dream never came true. I am now studying in North America. It is currently snowing outside, and I am listening to Soviet songs deluding myself that I were a foreign student in "Sovetsky Soyuz".


to Don
Автор: Товарищ С.  9.11.12 21:58  Сообщить модератору
Should be, inexpressible feeling - to listen to "our" songs in the capitalist country to spite of all.

To comrade from Vietnam
Автор: Irina1917  29.12.12 23:24  Сообщить модератору
Dear comrade, thank you for your kind words about our Motherland the Soviet Union.
I had many Vietnamese friends in Moscow when I was a student. I would like to share with you my book about life in the USSR (in English). Please write to me: malenko@btinternet.com , and I will email it to you.
Warmest greetings to all friends of the USSR and the Soviet people across the globe.

Hello Vietnam!
Автор: nebulae  3.02.13 06:12  Сообщить модератору
Wow! A Vietnamese in the US tuning in to Soviet songs! Greetings to you! I am in the US as well, but this music is native to me, part of my genetic make-up if you will. This site is a way to connect to my Motherland. Being an immigrant is not easy for me...

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  13.02.13 03:11  Сообщить модератору
Hello everyone,

Thank you very much for your warm responses!
I am studying in Canada (a somewhat more "socialist" country than the US). And as the population (in Viet Nam and Canada) gets younger and younger, talking about Soviet life and the USSR has become obsolete. So I am glad I found this forum. Mistakes and historical conditions did not allow the USSR to sustain itself, but I will always remember the help your country aid us in time of need.

I am actually looking for two more songs:
- The first has a title starting with "Б...". It is an old song, basically about a large group of Soviet soldiers marching. The song starts very softly as if the soldiers are faraway, then it gets louder and louder as the troops gets close, and the voice becomes smaller and smaller again as the soldiers move on. It's not "A hey, on the road/Гей, по дороге" (I already have this one), but a different song.
- The second song is "You are my melody/Ты моя мелодия". I found a very nice version on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZtt6ssiPOQ), but a friend of mine said this is not the full version. Do you know any longer version than this?

Thank you very much!!!

The first has a title starting with "Б..."
Автор: Товарищ С.  13.02.13 16:54  Сообщить модератору
Может, эта?

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  15.02.13 02:01  Сообщить модератору

Thank you Товарищ С.!
But it's not a "ballad of" something. I actually want this song for my friend's father who studied in Leningrad in the 1960s and 1980s. He said its title only has a single word, which means "let's go" or "on the way" or something like that. Maybe I should ask him to write that word for me and ask you guys next time.

Don, as you describe,
Автор: pmv  15.02.13 03:56  Сообщить модератору
it must be "В путь", there are about 10 versions here in this site.

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  16.02.13 14:04  Сообщить модератору
Thank you very much pmv!!!
Your suggested title sounds right. I'll check them out.

To Don
Автор: Сталинец  20.04.13 03:06  Сообщить модератору
Hello, Im sorry Im not speak english so good.
My name is Konstantin. Its nice that internet today make people closer, that we can speak from different sides of Earth!
I like speaking with friends from other countries - it makes my english better and I can hear something new about other countries 'from the first hands', not using censored sites of media corporations.
Maybe you should create a new topic about your life and to speaking with you?))
If you want find something like a song, book, picture at russian language - pleace write to me stalinets1@yandex.ru or ICQ#398507861.

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  14.05.13 04:20  Сообщить модератору
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your warm response!

I am looking for one more song. Its name is "Песня о тревожной молодости" (Song of the high-spirited youth?). There are four versions of this song on this website, but their links are all broken. Could somebody please fix this or let me know where else I can download this song?

Thank you very much!

"Песня о тревожной молодости" Song of the high-spirited youth
Автор: Товарищ С.  14.05.13 15:07  Сообщить модератору

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  15.05.13 06:29  Сообщить модератору
Sweet!!! Thank you very much Товарищ С.!

As I said earlier, on top of my favourite Soviet songs, I also look for songs for my friend's father. My very limited Russian prevents me from reading his request properly.
Could somebody help me find the last two songs in this list?

I already found "В путь" thanks to your help and "Русское поле", but not the bottom two songs (because I can't read his writing very well).

Any help is very much appreciated!

To Don
Автор: Товарищ С.  15.05.13 17:10  Сообщить модератору
Third song


Four song is "Song of the high-spirited youth"

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  16.05.13 01:21  Сообщить модератору
Большое спасибо, Товарищ С.!

50th anniversay of Valentina Tereshkova's flight to outer space
Автор: Don  20.06.13 11:33  Сообщить модератору
Fifty years ago, mankind witnessed the first woman, also the first civilian, flew to outer space. I am just wondering whether there were any Soviet songs inspired by this spectacular event.

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  12.11.13 08:26  Сообщить модератору
Hello everyone,
I was watching the video of the parade dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the 1941 Battle of Moskva (I admitted that I'd like to think I was watching the 96th anniversary of the October Revolution).
I found a very touching moment when everyone starting singing one song at 19:40. Could anyone here please let me know the name of the song (in Russian)?
Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIl4OVVqZ88
Many thanks!

to Don
Автор: Товарищ С.  12.11.13 14:36  Сообщить модератору
It is song "My Moscow"


Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  13.11.13 17:51  Сообщить модератору
Thank you very much, Tovarish S.!

I also want to ask everyone here about two songs in the 1980 film "Moskva does not believe in tears" (Москва слезам не верит). They are "Aleksandra" (Александра) and "A conversation by the new year's tree" (Диалог у новогодней елки).
Could Tovarish S. or somebody please help me to find the lyrics of these two songs? I'd like to know what they're about.

Thanks a lot!

to Don
Автор: Товарищ С.  13.11.13 20:08  Сообщить модератору

Песни из кинофильмов
Текст песни «Александра»

/Сухарев, Визбор - С.Никитин/

Не сразу всё устроилось, Москва не сразу строилась
Москва слезам не верила, а верила любви
Снегами запорошена, листвою заворожена
Найдёт тепло прохожему, а деревцу земли

--RF-- Александра, Александра, это город наш с тобою
Стали мы его судьбою, ты вглядись в его лицо
Что бы ни было вначале утолит он все печали
Вот и стало обручальным нам Садовое кольцо

Москву рябины красили, дубы стояли князями
Но не они, а ясени без спросу наросли
Москва не зря надеется, что вся в листву оденется
Москва найдёт для деревца хоть краешек земли

--RF1-- Александра, Александра, что там вьётся перед нами
Это ясень семенами крутит вальс над мостовой
Ясень с видом деревенским приобщился к вальсам венским
Он пробьётся, Александра, он надышится Москвой

Москва тревог не прятала, Москва видала всякое
Но беды все и горести склонялись перед ней
Любовь Москвы не быстрая, но верная и чистая
Поскольку материнская любовь других сильней

--RF2-- Александра, Александра, это город наш с тобою
Стали мы его судьбою, ты вглядись в его лицо
Что бы ни было вначале утолит он все печали
|Вот и стало обручальным нам Садовое кольцо


— Что происходит на свете? — А просто зима
— Просто зима, полагаете вы? — Полагаю.
Я ведь и сам, как умею, следы пролагаю
в ваши уснувшие ранней порою дома.

— Что же за всем этим будет? — А будет январь,
— Будет январь, вы считаете? — Да, я считаю.
Я ведь давно эту белую книгу читаю,
этот, с картинками вьюги, старинный букварь.

— Чем же все это окончится? — Будет апрель.
— Будет апрель, вы уверены? — Да, я уверен.
Я уже слышал, и слух этот мною проверен,
будто бы в роще сегодня звенела свирель.

— Что же из этого следует? — Следует жить,
шить сарафаны и легкие платья из ситца.
— Вы полагаете, все это будет носиться?
— Я полагаю, что все это следует шить.

Следует шить, ибо, сколько вьюгё не кружить,
нёдолговечны ее кабала и опала.
Так разрешите же в честь новогоднего бала
руку на танец, сударыня, вам предложить!

Месяц серебряный, шар со свечою внутри
и карнавальные маски — по кругу, по кругу.
Вальс начинается. Дайте ж, сударыня,
и — раз-два-три, раз-два-три,
раз-два-три, раз-два-три!..

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  14.11.13 01:28  Сообщить модератору

Many thanks Tovarish S. for your quick reply!!!

I am just curious about why the song about Moskva was named "Aleksandra".
In the film "Moskva does not believe in tears", Aleksandra is the daughter of Katerina Tikhomirova. Is this song what Katerina (and possibly Gosha) want to tell their daughter? Or is "Aleksandra" a nickname of Moskva? Or any other reasons?

Any hint will be very much appreciated!

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  21.02.14 05:08  Сообщить модератору

Дорогие товарищи,

I really like the children's song at 24:08 in Pesnya Goda (1980): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypT3DYvm2Qo

Could someone please let me know the title of the song in Russian, Russian lyrics and if possible, an English translation (a rough translation is alright)?

Спасибо за внимание!

Песня "Крылатые качели"
Автор: Товарищ С.  21.02.14 21:57  Сообщить модератору

Товарищ С. отредактировал это сообщение 21.02.14 в 21:58

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  25.02.14 03:39  Сообщить модератору

Thank you 'Tovorish S.'! You not only provided introduced me the song, but also let me know about "Приключения Электроника".
I could only find the Russian-only version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI0XnryBK50). If you know any English-subtitled version, please let me know!

Автор: Товарищ С.  25.02.14 23:55  Сообщить модератору
unfortunately, I didn't manage to find anything..

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  19.04.14 01:43  Сообщить модератору

Дорогие товарищи,

I am very unhappy with the recent events in Ukraine and Crimea. No matter who wins, Russia, Ukraine, Kiev authorities or the Southeastern federalists, this was something unimaginable when the USSR existed.

I am reminding myself about the golden time of Soviet solidarity by searching for Soviet songs (either Russian or non-Russian) about other Soviet socialist republics outside of the RSFSR. So far I have only found:
- "Баллада о Керчь" (Ukrainian SSR, Ok now it is part of Russia)
- "Давно не бывал я в Донбассе" (Ukrainian SSR)
- "Артек" (Ukrainian SSR)
- "Давай закурим" (Ukrainian SSR)
- "Севастопольский вальс" (Ukrainian SSR, now part of Russia)
- "Киевский Вальс" (Ukrainian SSR)
- "Мишка-Одессит" (Ukrainian SSR)
- "Едут новоселы по земле целинной" (Kazakh SSR???)
- "Беловежская Пуща" (Byelorussian SSR)
- "Сулико" (Georgian SSR)
- "Смуглянка-молдаванка" (Moldavian SSR)
- "Азербайджан" (Azerbaijanian SSR)

I will very much appreciate if you can suggest some good songs about the republics.

Спасибо за внимание!

Songs about Soviet republics
Автор: Товарищ С.  19.04.14 02:12  Сообщить модератору
A very interesting question - song of the republics. Immediately here's something to remember
Song about Ukraine
Song about Minsk
March of the oil of the Caspian sea
Anthem Krivoy Rog
The red army song (About the Ukrainian Cossacks and their battles against the Nazis, Polish aggressors and other bandits)
Song about Dnieper
Kyiv waltz
Sevastopol waltz
Star Riga

Re: Looking for songs
Автор: Don  27.04.14 10:26  Сообщить модератору

Thank you Tovorish S. for all these songs!!!
Do you know any other songs about the republics? Armenia produced many great Soviet men (Anastas Mikoyan, Artem Mikoyan, Norair Sisakian, etc.), but I haven't seen many Soviet Armenian songs.
I also can't find any songs about the Central Asian Soviet republics except "Едут новоселы по земле целинной" about the new life on virgin lands in Kazakhstan. Can you or anyone help me with this?

Many thanks!

Автор: Товарищ С.  27.04.14 20:45  Сообщить модератору
Едут новосёлы
We're going, my friends - Komsomol song conquerors of virgin lands
Anthem of the Armenian SSR
About civil war in Espain
Guards march
All 3 last songs by Khachaturian, an Armenian composer

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